Search Engine Optimising, or SEO, is the key to making your business visible on the internet, thus attracting potential clients to your site. But because it works in a somewhat intangible way, many misconceptions have circulated. These falsehoods can result in confusion, with valuable time and money wasted, especially in the new business sector. Let’s take a closer look at some of these:
SEO is just about links and keywords
Search ranking is influenced by several factors, from mobile optimisation to site speed, to quality backlinks to the social accessibility of your site. With Google improving its search options constantly, the importance of single, prominently placed keywords is less of an issue; with the release of Hummingbird, Google recognises how people use search engines, and Google bots can take the sentence context of queries into account.
SEO is a fast fix
SEO is a long-term but vital investment. Promoting your site and developing your brand takes time through ongoing social media channels, reputable websites, and blogs. This is a continuously ongoing process.
Content marketing can replace SEO
SEO is about creating relevant content and getting it out there. While each has its place, content, and SEO work together within online marketing; the most impressive content worldwide is worthless without effective technical optimisation, expert social media marketing, and distribution strategies. Without these, your content may never be seen, let alone reach the dizzy heights of search rankings.
Past mistakes just disappear, right?
Past SEO mistakes can affect your current rankings – they don’t just go away but hang around like bad smells! Even if your content is impressive, poor SEO practices from the past can cancel that all out.
So, with all these issues to think about, what can you do right from the start?
There are lots of companies specialising in SEO who are there to manage your rankings and distribution. Companies such as The Search Equation will allow you to concentrate on those important tasks associated with any business and give you peace of mind knowing that your site will be getting the most hits possible through personalised strategies and expertise.
The Search Equation have over 15 years of professional SEO experience and are up to date on the latest algorithm changes so that you can attain and keep your high-level rankings. They are also experts on building successful AdWords campaigns, to bring you instant traffic and business.
They have lots of successful clients on their books, some large-scale companies, some are ‘one-man bands, and many join them right from the start of their businesses. This avoids any mistakes that will affect your site later on – if you start right, it’s a great foundation for having a successful business.
It also makes financial sense to outsource your SEO to a freelance company rather than an in-house employee; a freelancer’s experience, focus, and unbiased advice are invaluable as more companies have a frontline visible internet presence.
The right marketing company can assist you, right from day one, with the perfect, individualised programme of SEO marketing and distribution.